Sunday, 19 February 2012

Chitting - potatoes

This is where you prepare the potatoes for planting in the ground. You place them in egg cartons in a cool dry place. And allow them to sprout little shoots. Apparently we wait for the sprouts to be about an inch long and then they are ready to plant. Some people don't do this and plant striaght into the ground. Some people break off some of the sprouts leaving only 2/3 or 4 so to create larger growths.
I'm going to leave these to do what they do and then plant them when it is time to do so. I have been told the only real way that you learn is to make your own mistakes, and that rome wasn't built in a day ;-p

Here are my potatoes: I have swift (7 of), charlotte (5 of) and Albert Bartlett rooster (5 of). I'm not sure if I have enough yet as not sure how many potatoes each seed potato will create. 


  1. Hello I thought that I'd come over from Allotments 4 All and have a look at your blog.
    I've been blogging for years and started my Flighty's plot blog when I took on my plot back in 2007.
    As I said on A4A above all enjoy what you do.
    Yes you'll learn from successes and failures, which even the best, and most experienced, gardeners have!
    Good luck and happy gardening! Flighty xx

  2. Hello Sandra - just a quick answer to your question about how many potatoes each seed potatoe will produce - when I have grown potatoes befor i usually het between 6-10 - google 'earthing up' aswell as this can improve your crop.

    there is a superstition that you shouldn't plant potatoes befor easter sunday too - upto you if you follow that one tho - and plant in batches so they mature at different times ;)

  3. thanks caralyn, i have since bought more second and main crops, so now i have 7 first, 10 seconds, and 10 main crop seed potatoes.
