Monday, 27 February 2012

more shopping...

Had to go into Huntingdon, so popped into the 99p store. I managed to get some fleece, a small polytunnel, plant markers, plant, clips, small watering hose,  some pea netting,  and some weed control fabric...all 99p each what a bargain.  There was loads more other bits and pieces but didnt have enough cash on me :-(

Also another bonus today, I managed to get from freecycle, a hose, a fold up chair, watering can and a dibber (a good quality one too) and some bamboo canes.

so happy bunny today :-)

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Planted my onions today

Went to the allotment for about an hour today and planted my onions. Did two rows, but forgot to count how many I put in each row (oops), I think it was about 8. Weather was lovely today. Still haven't seen any of my neighbours, I wonder if they are waiting until March?
No photos today I'm afraid I forgot to take my phone with me :-(

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Trying to ID a plant

I found a plant starting to emerge at the back of my plot. I'm wandering if anyone can tell me what it is, please.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Marking the main beds

Today we went and marked the four main beds, for our main bed
rotation. Each bed is 5ft by 12 ft.
Todays weather has been gorgeous, so hoping it stays for the
 weekend, so I can get the kids to help plant the onions :-)

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Chitting - potatoes

This is where you prepare the potatoes for planting in the ground. You place them in egg cartons in a cool dry place. And allow them to sprout little shoots. Apparently we wait for the sprouts to be about an inch long and then they are ready to plant. Some people don't do this and plant striaght into the ground. Some people break off some of the sprouts leaving only 2/3 or 4 so to create larger growths.
I'm going to leave these to do what they do and then plant them when it is time to do so. I have been told the only real way that you learn is to make your own mistakes, and that rome wasn't built in a day ;-p

Here are my potatoes: I have swift (7 of), charlotte (5 of) and Albert Bartlett rooster (5 of). I'm not sure if I have enough yet as not sure how many potatoes each seed potato will create. 

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Shopping and sowing

Went shopping to day to trusty Poundland, ended up with some seeds and some seed potatoes and onions. Also got a small propagator and little pots.

With the weather being as it was today (very gloomy and raining) I had the children help with plant some seeds to keep in the conservatory as we don't have a greenhouse or coldframe.

We planted :-
  • leeks
  • broccoli
  • tomato
  • cucumber
  • sweet pepper
  • radish

Friday, 17 February 2012


A very good friend, who also has an allotment kindly lent us some books today and gave us a few do's and don't tips today. I now have decided what to grow. And have started to make plans as to where I shall plant what and where. Now I need to go and buy some plants/seeds.
I'm going to make a start with brussel sprouts, cauliflowers, chilli, peppers, potatoes, shallots, tomatoes, and raspberries. All I think are sown indoors to begin with... wish me luck!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Day one 15th Feb 2012

Approx 6 months ago I went on a waiting list for a plot at a choice of two sites. Today I received a phonecall to say I was second on the list and could choose a plot today as 5 had become available. By half past four we had signed and paid for the plot in the picture above. It has been cleared for us apart from a couple of gooseberry bushes and 2 compost bins. I can't wait to get going...however I haven't a clue where to start, nor have any tools. Best start shopping...